Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 8v7d-8waa » 8vu3
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Calcium in PDB 8vu3: Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles

Enzymatic activity of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles

All present enzymatic activity of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles:;

Other elements in 8vu3:

The structure of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles also contains other interesting chemical elements:

Magnesium (Mg) 288 atoms
Iron (Fe) 36 atoms

Calcium Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Calcium atom in the Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles (pdb code 8vu3). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atom.
In total 3 binding sites of Calcium where determined in the Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles, PDB code: 8vu3:
Jump to Calcium binding site number: 1; 2; 3;

Calcium binding site 1 out of 3 in 8vu3

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Calcium binding site 1 out of 3 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Calcium with other atoms in the Ca binding site number 1 of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O L:PRO68 2.4 30.7 1.0
O U:PHE154 2.5 34.8 1.0
OD1 L:ASP71 2.5 46.8 1.0
CG L:ASP71 3.3 43.2 1.0
C L:PRO68 3.5 23.8 1.0
OD2 L:ASP71 3.5 43.5 1.0
C U:PHE154 3.7 26.5 1.0
NE2 A:GLN472 4.2 28.2 1.0
CA L:PRO68 4.2 19.9 1.0
OD1 A:ASP473 4.3 28.5 1.0
CA U:ASN155 4.4 21.2 1.0
OD2 A:ASP473 4.4 24.8 1.0
N U:ASN155 4.5 26.5 1.0
N L:LEU69 4.6 25.1 1.0
CA U:PHE154 4.7 28.1 1.0
CB L:ASP71 4.7 37.3 1.0
CB U:PHE154 4.8 24.1 1.0
NH1 L:ARG70 4.8 28.5 1.0
CB L:PRO68 4.8 21.8 1.0
CA L:LEU69 4.8 26.0 1.0
CG A:ASP473 4.8 19.7 1.0
N L:ASP71 4.8 32.6 1.0
O L:ASP71 4.8 44.7 1.0
OD1 U:ASN155 4.9 26.1 1.0
CG A:GLN472 4.9 27.4 1.0
C U:ASN155 5.0 39.8 1.0

Calcium binding site 2 out of 3 in 8vu3

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Calcium binding site 2 out of 3 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Calcium with other atoms in the Ca binding site number 2 of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O U:PRO68 2.3 31.1 1.0
O l:PHE154 2.4 28.2 1.0
OD2 U:ASP71 3.0 46.4 1.0
OD1 U:ASP71 3.3 45.8 1.0
CG U:ASP71 3.5 44.8 1.0
C U:PRO68 3.5 22.6 1.0
C l:PHE154 3.7 28.4 1.0
NE2 G:GLN472 3.9 26.8 1.0
CA l:ASN155 4.2 25.6 1.0
CA U:PRO68 4.2 22.2 1.0
OD1 G:ASP473 4.4 28.6 1.0
N l:ASN155 4.4 26.5 1.0
OD2 G:ASP473 4.5 34.5 1.0
N U:LEU69 4.5 21.9 1.0
C l:ASN155 4.7 35.4 1.0
CA U:LEU69 4.7 21.7 1.0
CA l:PHE154 4.7 26.8 1.0
CB l:PHE154 4.8 25.4 1.0
CB U:ASP71 4.8 34.9 1.0
CB U:PRO68 4.8 19.0 1.0
NH1 U:ARG70 4.9 22.8 1.0
N U:ASP71 4.9 37.8 1.0
CG G:ASP473 4.9 18.1 1.0
O l:ASN155 5.0 44.6 1.0
O U:ASP71 5.0 46.1 1.0
OD1 l:ASN155 5.0 32.4 1.0
CD G:GLN472 5.0 26.1 1.0

Calcium binding site 3 out of 3 in 8vu3

Go back to Calcium Binding Sites List in 8vu3
Calcium binding site 3 out of 3 in the Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Calcium with other atoms in the Ca binding site number 3 of Cryo-Em Structure of Cyanobacterial Psi with Bound Platinum Nanoparticles within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O l:PRO68 2.3 28.9 1.0
O L:PHE154 2.4 30.7 1.0
OD2 l:ASP71 2.5 47.5 1.0
CG l:ASP71 3.5 47.4 1.0
C l:PRO68 3.5 20.5 1.0
C L:PHE154 3.5 27.1 1.0
OD1 l:ASP71 3.7 43.7 1.0
CA L:ASN155 4.1 30.0 1.0
CA l:PRO68 4.2 20.8 1.0
NE2 a:GLN472 4.3 20.9 1.0
N L:ASN155 4.3 24.0 1.0
OD1 a:ASP473 4.4 30.9 1.0
OD2 a:ASP473 4.5 31.3 1.0
N l:LEU69 4.5 25.8 1.0
C L:ASN155 4.5 39.6 1.0
CA L:PHE154 4.6 30.3 1.0
O L:ASN155 4.7 45.4 1.0
CA l:LEU69 4.7 30.9 1.0
CB L:PHE154 4.7 29.3 1.0
CB l:PRO68 4.7 21.4 1.0
CB l:ASP71 4.8 42.1 1.0
N l:ASP71 4.9 34.6 1.0
O l:ASP71 4.9 48.5 1.0
CG a:ASP473 4.9 27.2 1.0
NH1 l:ARG70 4.9 27.8 1.0
OD1 L:ASN155 5.0 33.7 1.0


C.J.Gisriel, T.Malavath, G.W.Brudvig, L.M.Utschig. The Cryo-Em Structure of A Biohybrid Photosystem I Photocatalyst Reveals the Locations of Bound Platinum Nanoparticles To Be Published.
Page generated: Wed Nov 13 07:22:59 2024

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