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Calcium Acetate, Ca(C2H3O2)2

Calcium Acetate, Ca(C2H3O2)2, crystallises from hot solutions in thin needles with 1 molecule, from cold solutions with 2 molecules of water of crystallisation. The transition point is at 84° C. At 20° C. 100 grm. of water dissolve 34.73 grm. of anhydrous calcium acetate, and at 100° C. 29.65 grm. The electrolytic dissociation of the salt in solution, calculated from the freezing-point lowering, is much greater than that indicated by the electrical conductivity. The densities of solutions of calcium acetate have been determined.

Acetone is prepared commercially by the distillation of calcium acetate. The reaction is practically quantitative, but losses occur due to the further decomposition of the acetone vapours coming into contact with the heated walls of the containers.

With acetic acid and calcium nitrate a crystallised double compound is formed, and an acid salt, Ca(C2H3O2)2.C2H3O2, is obtained by treating solid calcium hydroxide with concentrated acetic acid.

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