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Calcium Arsenates

Tricalcium Orthoarsenate, Ca3(AsO4)2

Tricalcium Orthoarsenate, Ca3(AsO4)2, can be obtained by the action of lime-water on arsenic acid, or by the precipitation of calcium chloride with disodium hydrogen arsenate. A pure product may be prepared by pouring alkaline calcium chloride solution into alkaline sodium hydrogen arsenate. Drying at 100° C. gives the dihydrate Ca3(AsO4)2.2H2O. The water of crystallisation is lost at 175° C. The density of the dihydrate is 3.23, and of the anhydrous salt 3.31. The solubility at 25° C. is 0.0133 grm. per 100 grm. of water.

Calcium arsenate in the form of a spray may be used in place of lead arsenate as an insecticide for plants.

Halogen Compounds of Tricalcium Arsenate

These are obtained in the same way as the analogous phosphate compounds.

Dicalcium Orihoarsenate, CaHAsO4

Dicalcium Orihoarsenate, CaHAsO4, is found in nature as the hydrates pharmacolite, CaHAsO4.2H2O, and haidingerite, CaHAsO4.H2O. The densities of the artificially prepared minerals are 2.754 and 2.967 respectively.

The salt may be prepared by treating calcium carbonate with arsenic acid, or by precipitating a soluble calcium salt with disodium hydrogen arsenate. Robinson recommends acidifying both solutions, and states that when dried at 100° C. the compound contains one molecule of water of crystallisation, which it loses before the temperature of 175° C. is reached. The dihydrate may be obtained at ordinary temperatures by slow diffusion. According to Debray and Kotschoubey, there is a hydrate, 2CaHAsO4.3H2O, but this is not confirmed by more recent investigators.

At 25° C. 0.3108 grm. of the anhydrous salt is contained in 100 grm. of the solution.

Monocalcium Orthoarsenate, CaH4(AsO4)2

Monocalcium Orthoarsenate, CaH4(AsO4)2, was obtained by Smith during investigations of the system, arsenic pentoxide: calcium oxide: water. At 35° C. it is stable in contact with solutions containing more than 27.5 per cent, of arsenic pentoxide. Below that concentration CaHAsO4.H2O is the stable salt.

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