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Calcium Dihydrohypophosphite, Ca(H2PO2)2

Calcium Dihydrohypophosphite, Ca(H2PO2)2, is obtained by the action of phosphorus on boiling milk of lime, or of water on the phosphide. It forms anhydrous hexagonal monoclinic crystals, easily soluble in water, 1 part of salt to 6 of water, but insoluble in alcohol and unchanged by heat below 300° C. Above that temperature it is decomposed with loss of water and phosphoretted hydrogen, and formation of calcium pyro- and meta-phosphate, in the molecular proportions of 3 to 1.

It is employed in therapeutics.

Two double salts are known, a calcium cobalt hypophosphite, Ca2Co(H2PO2)6.2H2O, forming efflorescent red octahedral crystals, and a calcium cadmium salt, which may, however, be a mixture.

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