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Calcium Hyponitrite, CaN2O2.4H2O

Calcium Hyponitrite, CaN2O2.4H2O, is obtained by the action of silver hyponitrite, or sodium hyponitrite, on calcium chloride. It is crystalline and stable at ordinary temperatures, but at 100° C. gives up water with partial decomposition. It is not very soluble in water. Sulphuric acid decomposes it with effervescence. Most oxidising agents, such as bromine, iodine, chromic acid, and hypobromites, react very vigorously with it, but potassium permanganate reacts only slowly. It dissolves in acetic acid at temperatures between 30° and 100° C., forming an unstable crystalline compound, soluble in water, to which Maquenne ascribed the formula


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