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Calcium Oxybromide, CaBr2.3CaO.16H2O

When calcium bromide solution is boiled with calcium hydroxide, and the liquid is filtered and cooled, beautiful needle-like crystals separate out. They are decomposed by water and alcohol, leaving lime, and their composition is represented by the formula CaBr2.3CaO.16H2O. On drying at 120° C. in an atmosphere free from carbon dioxide, a trihydrate, CaBr2.3CaO.3H2O, is formed.

Schreinemakers and Milikan, investigating the system CaBr2: Ca(OH)2: H2O at 25° C., found an oxybromide 3CaBr2.4CaO.16H2O in addition to the compound CaBr2.3CaO.16H2O.

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