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Calcium Selenite, CaSeO3

Calcium Selenite, CaSeO3, can be obtained in the anhydrous form as crystalline grains by the action of selenious acid on calcium carbonate. It is not very soluble in water. The hydrate, 3CaSeO3.4H2O, is obtained in prismatic crystals by the action of sodium selenite on calcium chloride solution, and a dihydrate, CaSeO3.2H2O, in silky efflorescent crystals, can also be prepared.

An anhydrous acid salt, CaSeO3.SeO2, is deposited at 60° C. from acid solutions of the selenite, and by evaporation at ordinary temperatures, the compound CaH2Se2O6.H2O can be obtained in prisms and in hexagonal plates which are very soluble in water and unchanged by exposure to the atmosphere.

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