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Tricalcium Silicate, 3CaO.SiO2

The existence or otherwise of Tricalcium Silicate, 3CaO.SiO2, has been in the past the subject of much discussion, earlier investigators being rather in favour of regarding it as a mixture or solid solution of the orthosilicate and calcium oxide. Recent work, however, seems to have established its claim to be regarded as a chemical individual.

Tricalcium silicate cannot be obtained by simple fusion of the constituents. Perhaps it is unstable at the melting-point, about 1700° C. It can, however, be prepared in the presence of small quantities of other oxides, for example, aluminium, boron, and chromium oxides, which probably act as a flux, allowing the reaction to take place at a lower temperature. It can also be prepared by heating the constituents for some time below the melting-point.

It is hydraulic and will hydrate and harden with water.

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