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Basic Calcium Nitrates

If calcium hydroxide be added to a saturated solution of calcium nitrate until no more dissolves, the liquid becomes semi-solid after a few minutes and contains crystals of composition Ca(NO3)2.Ca(OH)2.2.5H2O. The compound loses its water of crystallisation at 160° C., and is decomposed by water. Bassett and Taylor gave the formula as Ca2N2O7.3H2O, and stated that at 100° C. the hydrates Ca2N2O7.2H2O and Ca2N2O7.0.5H2O may be obtained.

Quicklime, when slaked with a concentrated solution of calcium nitrate, gives white needles of the compound 2Ca(OH)2.Ca(NO3)2.2H2O which become turbid on the addition of water.

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