Calcium in PDB, part 92 (files: 3641-3680),
PDB 2rf7-2tep
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 3641-3680 (PDB 2rf7-2tep).
2rf7 (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Escherichia Coli Nrfa Mutant Q263E
Other atoms:
Fe (20);
2rga (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of H-RASQ61I-Gppnhp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2rgb (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of H-RASQ61K-Gppnhp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2rgc (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of H-RASQ61V-Gppnhp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2rgd (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of H-RASQ61L-Gppnhp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2rge (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of H-Ras-Gppnhp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2rhp (Ca: 30) - The Thrombospondin-1 Polymorphism ASN700SER Associated with Cornoary Artery Disease Causes Local and Long-Ranging Changes in Protein Structure
2ri8 (Ca: 2) - Penicillium Citrinum Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase Complex with Glycerol
2ri9 (Ca: 2) - Penicillium Citrinum Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase in Complex with A Substrate Analog
2ria (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of the Trimeric Neck and Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Human Surfactant Protein D in Complex with D-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptose
2rib (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of the Trimeric Neck and Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Human Surfactant Protein D in Complex with L-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptose
2ric (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of the Trimeric Neck and Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Human Surfactant Protein D in Complex with L-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptopyranosyl-(1-3)-L-Glycero-D- Manno-Heptopyranose
2rid (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of the Trimeric Neck and Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Human Surfactant Protein D in Complex with Allyl 7-O-Carbamoyl-L-Glycero-D-Manno- Heptopyranoside
2rie (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of the Trimeric Neck and Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Human Surfactant Protein D in Complex with 2-Deoxy-L-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptose
2rji (Ca: 1) - Malarial Eba-175 Region VI Crystallographic Structure Reveals A Kix-Like Binding Interface
2rjp (Ca: 12) - Crystal Structure of ADAMTS4 with Inhibitor Bound
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
2rjq (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of ADAMTS5 with Inhibitor Bound
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Zn (2);
2rld (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of A Protein with Unknown Function From S23 Ribosomal Protein Family (BT_0352) From Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Vpi-5482 at 1.70 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
2rnt (Ca: 1) - Three-Dimensional Structure of Ribonuclease T1 Complexed with Guanylyl-2(Prime),5(Prime)-Guanosine at 1.8 Angstroms Resolution
2ro8 (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Calcium Bound Soybean Calmodulin Isoform 1 N-Terminal Domain
2ro9 (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Calcium Bound Soybean Calmodulin Isoform 1 C-Terminal Domain
2roa (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Calcium Bound Soybean Calmodulin Isoform 4 N-Terminal Domain
2rob (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Calcium Bound Soybean Calmodulin Isoform 4 C-Terminal Domain
2sas (Ca: 3) - Structure of A Sarcoplasmic Calcium-Binding Protein From Amphioxus Refined at 2.4 Angstroms Resolution
2sba (Ca: 1) - Soybean Agglutinin Complexed with 2,6-Pentasaccharide
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
2scp (Ca: 6) - Structure of A Sarcoplasmic Calcium-Binding Protein From Nereis Diversicolor Refined at 2.0 Angstroms Resolution
2sec (Ca: 3) - Structural Comparison of Two Serine Proteinase-Protein Inhibitor Complexes. Eglin-C-Subtilisin Carlsberg and Ci-2- Subtilisin Novo
2sic (Ca: 2) - Refined Crystal Structure of the Complex of Subtilisin Bpn' and Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor at 1.8 Angstroms Resolution
2sni (Ca: 2) - Structural Comparison of Two Serine Proteinase-Protein Inhibitor Complexes. Eglin-C-Subtilisin Carlsberg and Ci-2- Subtilisin Novo
2snm (Ca: 1) - In A Staphylococcal Nuclease Mutant the Side-Chain of A Lysine Replacing Valine 66 Is Fully Buried in the Hydrophobic Core
2sns (Ca: 1) - Staphylococcal Nuclease. Proposed Mechanism of Action Based on Structure of Enzyme-Thymidine 3(Prime),5(Prime)- Biphosphate-Calcium Ion Complex at 1.5-Angstroms Resolution
2st1 (Ca: 2) - The Three-Dimensional Structure of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Subtilisin at 1.8 Angstroms and An Analysis of the Structural Consequences of Peroxide Inactivation
2sta (Ca: 1) - Anionic Salmon Trypsin in Complex with Squash Seed Inhibitor (Cucurbita Maxima Trypsin Inhibitor I)
2stb (Ca: 1) - Anionic Salmon Trypsin in Complex with Squash Seed Inhibitor (Cucurbita Pepo Trypsin Inhibitor II)
2taa (Ca: 3) - Structure and Possible Catalytic Residues of Taka-Amylase A
2tbs (Ca: 1) - Cold-Adaption of Enzymes: Structural Comparison Between Salmon and Bovine Trypsins
2tbv (Ca: 6) - Structure of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus. V. Coat Protein Sequence Determination and Its Structural Implications
2tcl (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Fibroblast Collagenase Complexed with An Inhibitor
Other atoms:
Sm (1);
Zn (2);
2tec (Ca: 3) - Molecular Dynamics Refinement of A Thermitase-Eglin-C Complex at 1.98 Angstroms Resolution and Comparison of Two Crystal Forms That Differ in Calcium Content
2tep (Ca: 4) - Peanut Lectin Complexed with T-Antigenic Disaccharide
Other atoms:
Mn (4);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:29:01 2025