Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 1dva-1edh
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Calcium in PDB, part 11 (files: 401-440), PDB 1dva-1edh

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 401-440 (PDB 1dva-1edh).
  1. 1dva (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Complex Between the Peptide Exosite Inhibitor E-76 and Coagulation Factor Viia
    Other atoms: As (2);
  2. 1dvi (Ca: 8) - Calpain Domain VI with Calcium Bound
  3. 1dx5 (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Thrombin-Thrombomodulin Complex
    Other atoms: Na (8);
  4. 1dyh (Ca: 1) - Isomorphous Crystal Structures of Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexed with Folate, 5- Deazafolate and 5,10-Dideazatetrahydrofolate: Mechanistic Implications
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  5. 1dyi (Ca: 1) - Isomorphous Crystal Structures of Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexed with Folate, 5- Deazafolate and 5,10-Dideazatetrahydrofolate: Mechanistic Implications
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  6. 1dyj (Ca: 1) - Isomorphous Crystal Structures of Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexed with Folate, 5- Deazafolate and 5,10-Dideazatetrahydrofolate: Mechanistic Implications
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  7. 1dyk (Ca: 2) - Laminin Alpha 2 Chain LG4-5 Domain Pair
  8. 1dyo (Ca: 2) - Xylan-Binding Domain From Cbm 22, Formally X6B Domain
  9. 1dyu (Ca: 4) - The Active Site Base Controls Cofactor Reactivity in Escherichia Coli Amine Oxidase: X-Ray Crystallographic Studies with Mutational Variants.
    Other atoms: Cu (2);
  10. 1dzq (Ca: 4) - Lectin Uea-II Complexed with Galactose
    Other atoms: Mn (4);
  11. 1e1a (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dfpase From Loligo Vulgaris
  12. 1e29 (Ca: 3) - Psii Associated Cytochrome C549 From Synechocystis Sp.
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  13. 1e34 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with (3S, 4S)N-Para- Toluenesulphonyl-3-Ethyl-4-(Carboxylic Acid) Pyrrolidin-2-One Soaked in pH 9 Buffer For One Minute
  14. 1e35 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with (3S, 4S)N-Para-Toluenesulphonyl -3-Ethyl-4-(Carboxylic Acid)Pyrrolidin-2-One Soaked in pH 9 Buffer For Two Minutes
  15. 1e36 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with (3S, 4S)N-Para-Nitrobenzenesulphonyl -3-Ethyl-4-(Carboxylic Acid)Pyrrolidin-2-One
  16. 1e37 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with (3S, 4S)N-Para-Nitrobenzenesulphonyl -3-Ethyl-4-(Carboxylic Acid)Pyrrolidin-2-One Soaked in pH 9 Buffer For 1 Minute
  17. 1e38 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with (3S, 4S)N-Para-Nitrobenzenesulphonyl -3-Ethyl-4-(Carboxylic Acid)Pyrrolidin-2-One Soaked in pH 9 Buffer For 2 Minutes
  18. 1e3a (Ca: 1) - A Slow Processing Precursor Penicillin Acylase From Escherichia Coli
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  19. 1e3x (Ca: 4) - Native Structure of Chimaeric Amylase From B. Amyloliquefaciens and B. Licheniformis at 1.92A
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  20. 1e3z (Ca: 4) - Acarbose Complex of Chimaeric Amylase From B. Amyloliquefaciens and B. Licheniformis at 1.93A
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  21. 1e40 (Ca: 4) - Tris/Maltotriose Complex of Chimaeric Amylase From B. Amyloliquefaciens and B. Licheniformis at 2.2A
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  22. 1e43 (Ca: 4) - Native Structure of Chimaeric Amylase From B. Amyloliquefaciens and B. Licheniformis at 1.7A
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  23. 1e54 (Ca: 1) - Anion-Selective Porin From Comamonas Acidovorans
  24. 1e5j (Ca: 4) - Endoglucanase CEL5A From Bacillus Agaradhaerens in the Tetragonal Crystal Form in Complex with Methyl-4II-S-Alpha-Cellobiosyl-4II-Thio Beta-Cellobioside
  25. 1e5n (Ca: 2) - E246C Mutant of P Fluorescens Subsp. Cellulosa Xylanase A in Complex with Xylopentaose
  26. 1e77 (Ca: 1) - Complex of Active Mutant (Q365->C) of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides with Substrate
  27. 1e7d (Ca: 2) - Endonuclease VII (Endovii) From Phage T4
    Other atoms: Cl (3); Zn (2);
  28. 1e7m (Ca: 1) - Active Site Mutant (D177->N) of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides
  29. 1e7y (Ca: 1) - Active Site Mutant (D177->N) of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Complexed with Substrate and Nadph
  30. 1e8a (Ca: 4) - The Three-Dimensional Structure of Human S100A12
  31. 1e8t (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Multifunctional Paramyxovirus Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase
  32. 1e8u (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Multifunctional Paramyxovirus Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase
  33. 1e8v (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Multifunctional Paramyxovirus Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase
  34. 1ea7 (Ca: 6) - Sphericase
  35. 1eak (Ca: 8) - Catalytic Domain of Prommp-2 E404Q Mutant
    Other atoms: Zn (8);
  36. 1eb2 (Ca: 1) - Trypsin Inhibitor Complex (Bpo)
  37. 1eb7 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Di-Haem Cytochrome C Peroxidase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  38. 1ebm (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Human 8-Oxoguanine Glycosylase (HOGG1) Bound to A Substrate Oligonucleotide
  39. 1ecs (Ca: 1) - The 1.7 A Crystal Structure of A Bleomycin Resistance Determinant Encoded on the Transposon TN5
  40. 1edh (Ca: 6) - E-Cadherin Domains 1 and 2 in Complex with Calcium
    Other atoms: Hg (2);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:25:56 2025

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