Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 4a42-4adj
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Calcium in PDB, part 157 (files: 6241-6280), PDB 4a42-4adj

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 6241-6280 (PDB 4a42-4adj).
  1. 4a42 (Ca: 2) - CPGH89CBM32-6 Produced By Clostridium Perfringens
  2. 4a44 (Ca: 1) - CPGH89CBM32-5, From Clostridium Perfringens, in Complex with the Tn Antigen
    Other atoms: Na (3);
  3. 4a45 (Ca: 1) - CPGH89CBM32-5, From Clostridium Perfringens, in Complex with Galnac-Beta-1,3-Galactose
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  4. 4a4a (Ca: 1) - CPGH89 (E483Q, E601Q), From Clostridium Perfringens, in Complex with Its Substrate Glcnac-Alpha-1,4-Galactose
  5. 4a4b (Ca: 1) - Structure of Modified PHOSPHOTYR371-C-Cbl-UBCH5B-Zap-70 Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  6. 4a4c (Ca: 1) - Structure of PHOSPHOTYR371-C-Cbl-UBCH5B-Zap-70 Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  7. 4a5g (Ca: 4) - Raphanus Sativus Anionic Peroxidase.
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  8. 4a5w (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of C5B6
  9. 4a6o (Ca: 3) - CPGH89CBM32-4, Produced By Clostridium Perfringens, in Complex with Glcnac-Alpha-1,4-Galactose
  10. 4a6s (Ca: 4) - Structure of the Pail Lectin From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with 2-Naphtyl-1-Thio-Beta-D-Galactopyranoside
  11. 4a7b (Ca: 4) - MMP13 in Complex with A Novel Selective Non Zinc Binding Inhibitor CMPD22
    Other atoms: Zn (4); Na (2);
  12. 4a7f (Ca: 5) - Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (Rigor Atm 3)
  13. 4a7h (Ca: 5) - Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (Rigor Atm 2)
  14. 4a7i (Ca: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Potent 2-Amino-Ethane Sulfonamide Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  15. 4a7l (Ca: 5) - Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (Rigor Atm 1)
  16. 4a7n (Ca: 5) - Structure of Bare F-Actin Filaments Obtained From the Same Sample As the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex
  17. 4a9v (Ca: 2) - Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phox
    Other atoms: Fe (2); Cl (1); Na (2);
  18. 4a9x (Ca: 3) - Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phox in Complex with the Substrate Analogue Appcp
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  19. 4aag (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Mutant D75N I-Crei in Complex with Its Wild-Type Target in Presence of Ca at the Active Site (the Four Central Bases, 2NN Region, Are Composed By Gtac From 5' to 3')
  20. 4aah (Ca: 2) - Methanol Dehydrogenase From Methylophilus W3A1
  21. 4aal (Ca: 2) - Maca Wild-Type Oxidized
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  22. 4aam (Ca: 1) - Maca Wild-Type Mixed-Valence
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  23. 4aan (Ca: 1) - Maca Wild-Type Fully Reduced
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  24. 4aao (Ca: 2) - Maca-H93G
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  25. 4aax (Ca: 1) - CPGH89CBM32-5, From Clostridium Perfringens, in Complex with N-Acetylgalactosamine
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  26. 4ab8 (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  27. 4ab9 (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  28. 4aba (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  29. 4abb (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  30. 4abd (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  31. 4abe (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  32. 4abf (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
    Other atoms: Br (1); Cl (1);
  33. 4abg (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  34. 4abh (Ca: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
  35. 4abi (Ca: 1) - Co-Complex Structure of Bovine Trypsin with A Modified Bowman-Birk Inhibitor (Pta)Sfti-1(1,14), That Was 1,4- Disubstituted with A 1,2,3-Trizol to Mimic A Trans Amide Bond
  36. 4abj (Ca: 1) - Co-Complex Structure of Bovine Trypsin with A Modified Bowman-Birk Inhibitor (Ica)Sfti-1(1,14), That Was 1,5- Disubstituted with 1,2,3-Trizol to Mimic A Cis Amide Bond
  37. 4abt (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of Type Iif Restriction Endonuclease Ngomiv with Cognate Uncleaved Dna
  38. 4ac8 (Ca: 2) - R2-Like Ligand Binding Mn-Fe Oxidase From M. Tuberculosis with An Organized C-Terminal Helix
    Other atoms: Mn (4); Fe (4);
  39. 4adg (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Rubella Virus Envelope Glycoprotein E1 in Post-Fusion Form (Crystal Form II)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  40. 4adj (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Rubella Virus Glycoprotein E1 in Its Post-Fusion Form Crystallized in Presence of 1MM of Calcium Acetate
    Other atoms: Na (2);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:31:29 2025

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