Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 6sux-6t72
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Calcium in PDB, part 288 (files: 11481-11520), PDB 6sux-6t72

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 11481-11520 (PDB 6sux-6t72).
  1. 6sux (Ca: 1) - Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X37)
  2. 6sv0 (Ca: 1) - Non-Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X37)
  3. 6sv1 (Ca: 18) - Crystal Structure of Rhodospirillum Rubrum RRU_A0973 E34A Variant
    Other atoms: Fe (30);
  4. 6sv6 (Ca: 1) - Non-Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X38)
  5. 6sv8 (Ca: 1) - Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X38)
  6. 6sv9 (Ca: 1) - Non-Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X40)
  7. 6svb (Ca: 1) - Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X40)
  8. 6svd (Ca: 1) - Non-Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X41)
  9. 6svg (Ca: 1) - Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X41)
  10. 6svi (Ca: 1) - Non-Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X42)
  11. 6svj (Ca: 1) - Terahertz Irradiated Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X42)
  12. 6svn (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X28)
  13. 6svr (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X28)
  14. 6svs (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of U:A-U-Rich Rna Triple Helix with 11 Consecutive Base Triples
  15. 6svu (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X30)
  16. 6svv (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X30)
  17. 6svw (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X33)
  18. 6svx (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X33)
  19. 6svz (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Even Frames of Crystal X34)
  20. 6sw0 (Ca: 1) - Reference Structure of Bovine Trypsin (Odd Frames of Crystal X34)
  21. 6sy3 (Ca: 1) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with A D-Diphe-Pro-Pyridine Derivative
  22. 6syq (Ca: 2) - Asr Alternansucrase in Complex with Isomaltotriose
  23. 6sz5 (Ca: 4) - Human Calmodulin Bound to A Peptide of Human Nadph Oxidase 5
  24. 6sze (Ca: 1) - RIP2 Kinase Catalytic Domain Complex with 5-Amino-1-Phenylpyrazole-4- Carboxamide.
  25. 6szg (Ca: 1) - Acinetobacter Baumannii Undecaprenyl Pyrophosphate Synthase (Ab-Upps) in Complex with GR839 and GSK513
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  26. 6szh (Ca: 1) - Acinetobacter Baumannii Undecaprenyl Pyrophosphate Synthase (Ab-Upps) in Complex with GW197
  27. 6szi (Ca: 2) - Asr Alternansucrase in Complex with Isomaltose
  28. 6szj (Ca: 1) - RIP2 Kinase Catalytic Domain Complex with 5AMINO1TERTBUTYL3(3METHOXYPHENYL)1H PYRAZOLE4CARBOXAMIDE.
  29. 6t0b (Ca: 2) - The III2-IV(5B)2 Respiratory Supercomplex From S. Cerevisiae
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2); Fe (14); Cu (6);
  30. 6t0m (Ca: 1) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with A D-Phe-Pro-Diaminopyridine Derivative
  31. 6t0p (Ca: 1) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with A D-Phe-Pro-2-Aminopyridine Derivative
  32. 6t0q (Ca: 2) - Pleurotus Ostreatus Lectin (Pol), Apo Form
  33. 6t16 (Ca: 2) - Asr Alternansucrase in Complex with Panose
  34. 6t18 (Ca: 2) - Asr Alternansucrase in Complex with Oligoalternan
  35. 6t1d (Ca: 12) - Pleurotus Ostreatus Lectin (Pol), Compelx with Melibiose
  36. 6t1p (Ca: 2) - Asr Alternansucrase in Complex with Isomaltononaose
  37. 6t58 (Ca: 16) - Structure Determination of the Transactivation Domain of P53 in Complex with S100A4 Using Annexin A2 As A Crystallization Chaperone
  38. 6t5w (Ca: 1) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with A D-Phe-Pro-P-Aminopyridine Derivative (Cocrystallizaton at 291 K)
  39. 6t6v (Ca: 1) - Glu-494-Ala Inactive Monomer of A Quinol Dependent Nitric Oxide Reductase (Qnor) From Alcaligenes Xylosoxidans
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  40. 6t72 (Ca: 3) - Structure of the Rsaa N-Terminal Domain Bound to Lps
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:36:28 2025

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