Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 7k04-7kir
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Calcium in PDB, part 318 (files: 12681-12720), PDB 7k04-7kir

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 12681-12720 (PDB 7k04-7kir).
  1. 7k04 (Ca: 2) - Structure of Tfiih/RAD4-RAD23-RAD33/Dna in Dna Opening
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Zn (5);
  2. 7k1r (Ca: 4) - X-Ray Structure of An Enterobacter GH43 Beta-Xylosidase: ECXYL43 F507A Mutant
  3. 7k44 (Ca: 1) - Sgbp-B From A Complex Xyloglucan Utilization Locus in Bacteroides Uniformis
  4. 7k4a (Ca: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human TRPV6 in the Open State
  5. 7k4b (Ca: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human TRPV6 in Complex with (4- Phenylcyclohexyl)Piperazine Inhibitor Cis-22A
  6. 7k4c (Ca: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human TRPV6 in Complex with (4- Phenylcyclohexyl)Piperazine Inhibitor Br-Cis-22A
    Other atoms: Br (5);
  7. 7k4d (Ca: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human TRPV6 in Complex with (4- Phenylcyclohexyl)Piperazine Inhibitor 3OG
    Other atoms: F (15);
  8. 7k4f (Ca: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human TRPV6 in Complex with (4- Phenylcyclohexyl)Piperazine Inhibitor 31
    Other atoms: F (15);
  9. 7k4o (Ca: 1) - Tannin Acyl Hydrolase From Aspergillus Niger
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Na (1); Zn (4);
  10. 7k4w (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Kemp Eliminase HG3.17 in the Inactive State
  11. 7k66 (Ca: 1) - Structure of Blood Coagulation Factor VIII in Complex with An Anti-C1 Domain Pathogenic Antibody Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Cu (1); Zn (1);
  12. 7k6c (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Dihydrofolate Reductase (Dhfr) From Mycobacterium Abscessus Atcc 19977 / Dsm 44196 with Nadp and Inhibitor P218
  13. 7k72 (Ca: 2) - Structure of Dna Ligase A From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bound to Nad
    Other atoms: Mg (9);
  14. 7k96 (Ca: 3) - Human Dna Polymerase Beta Ternary Complex with Templating Cytosine and Incoming Deoxyguanosine Diphosphate
    Other atoms: Cl (9); Na (4);
  15. 7k9n (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 2
  16. 7k9o (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 3
  17. 7k9q (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 4
  18. 7k9t (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 5
  19. 7kaa (Ca: 25) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structures of Tirasemtiv Drug Bound to A Fast Skeletal Troponin C-Troponin I Complex
  20. 7kad (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 6
  21. 7kb6 (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 7
  22. 7kb8 (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 8
  23. 7kbg (Ca: 6) - Structure of Human HDAC2 in Complex with A 2-Substituted Benzamide Inhibitor (Compound 20)
    Other atoms: Zn (3); Cl (2); F (3);
  24. 7kbh (Ca: 6) - Structure of Human HDAC2 in Complex with A 2-Substituted Benzamide Inhibitor (Compound 16)
    Other atoms: Zn (3);
  25. 7kbj (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 9
  26. 7kbr (Ca: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Alpha Glucosidase with Compound 10
  27. 7kbt (Ca: 1) - Factor VIII in Complex with the Anti-C2 Domain Antibody, G99
    Other atoms: Cu (1); Zn (1);
  28. 7kbu (Ca: 6) - Structure of Hevin Fs-Ec
    Other atoms: Na (1); Cl (4);
  29. 7kdd (Ca: 1) - Hcmv Postfusion Gb in Complex with SM5-1 Fab
  30. 7kdp (Ca: 1) - Hcmv Prefusion Gb in Complex with Fusion Inhibitor Way-174865
    Other atoms: F (18);
  31. 7kev (Ca: 1) - PCSK9 in Complex with A Cyclic Peptide Ldlr Disruptor
  32. 7kfa (Ca: 1) - PCSK9 in Complex with PCSK9I A 13MER Cyclic Peptide Ldlr Disruptor
  33. 7kgq (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hla-A*0201IN Complex with Sars-Cov-2 N222-230
    Other atoms: Cd (2);
  34. 7kgz (Ca: 2) - Fmn-Binding Beta-Glucuronidase From Roseburia Hominis
  35. 7khs (Ca: 2) - Ogoga in Complex with Ligand 55
  36. 7khv (Ca: 3) - Cpoga in Complex with Ligand 54
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  37. 7kii (Ca: 2) - Muscovy Duck Circovirus Rep Domain Complexed with A Single-Stranded Dna 10-Mer Comprising the Cleavage Site and MN2+
    Other atoms: Mn (1);
  38. 7kio (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Inositol Polyphosphate 1-Phosphatase (INPP1) D54A Mutant
  39. 7kiq (Ca: 10) - Crystal Structure of the Mouse Lipin-2 M-Lip Domain
  40. 7kir (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Inositol Polyphosphate 1-Phosphatase (INPP1) D54A Mutant in Complex with Inositol (1,4)-Bisphosphate
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:37:37 2025

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