Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 4ry0-4twe
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Calcium in PDB, part 197 (files: 7841-7880), PDB 4ry0-4twe

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 7841-7880 (PDB 4ry0-4twe).
  1. 4ry0 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ribose Transporter Solute Binding Protein RHE_PF00037 From Rhizobium Etli Cfn 42, Target Efi-511357, in Complex with D-Ribose
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  2. 4ryd (Ca: 18) - X-Ray Structure of Human Furin in Complex with the Competitive Inhibitor Para-Guanidinomethyl-Phac-R-Tle-R-Amba
    Other atoms: Na (6);
  3. 4rzr (Ca: 4) - Bypass of A Bulky Adduct DG1,8 By DPO4
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  4. 4s10 (Ca: 2) - Gelsolin Nanobody Shielding Mutant Plasma Gelsolin From Furin Proteolysis
  5. 4s2v (Ca: 1) - E. Coli Rpph Structure, Ki Soak
    Other atoms: I (27);
  6. 4s37 (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of R2 Pyocin Membrane-Piercing Spike
    Other atoms: Cl (19);
  7. 4s3s (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Nuclease Variant Delta+Phs I92K/V23A at Cryogenic Temperature
  8. 4sbv (Ca: 3) - The Refinement of Southern Bean Mosaic Virus in Reciprocal Space
  9. 4sgb (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Complex of Streptomyces Griseus Proteinase B and Polypeptide Chymotrypsin Inhibitor-1 From Russet Burbank Potato Tubers at 2.1 Angstroms Resolution
  10. 4tf4 (Ca: 4) - Endo/Exocellulase:Cellopentaose From Thermomonospora
  11. 4tkq (Ca: 1) - Native-Sad Phasing For Yetj From Bacillus Subtilis
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  12. 4tli (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin (25% Isopropanol Soaked Crystals)
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  13. 4tln (Ca: 4) - Binding of Hydroxamic Acid Inhibitors to Crystalline Thermolysin Suggests A Pentacoordinate Zinc Intermediate in Catalysis
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  14. 4tmn (Ca: 4) - Slow-and Fast-Binding Inhibitors of Thermolysin Display Different Modes of Binding. Crystallographic Analysis of Extended Phosphonamidate Transition-State Analogues
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  15. 4tnc (Ca: 2) - Refined Structure of Chicken Skeletal Muscle Troponin C in the Two-Calcium State at 2-Angstroms Resolution
  16. 4tnh (Ca: 6) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II in the Dark State at 4.9 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (70); Mn (8); Fe (6); Cl (2);
  17. 4tni (Ca: 6) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II 500 Ms After the Third Illumination at 4.6 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (70); Mn (8); Fe (6); Cl (2);
  18. 4tnj (Ca: 6) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II 500 Ms After the 2ND Illumination (2F) at 4.5 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (70); Mn (8); Fe (6); Cl (2);
  19. 4tnk (Ca: 6) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II 250 Microsec After the Third Illumination at 5.2 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (70); Mn (8); Fe (6); Cl (2);
  20. 4tnl (Ca: 4) - 1.8 A Resolution Room Temperature Structure of Thermolysin Recorded Using An Xfel
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  21. 4tpi (Ca: 1) - The Refined 2.2-Angstroms (0.22-Nm) X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Ternary Complex Formed By Bovine Trypsinogen, Valine-Valine and the ARG15 Analogue of Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor
  22. 4tpy (Ca: 1) - High Throughput Screening Using Acoustic Droplet Ejection to Combine Protein Crystals and Chemical Libraries on Crystallization Plates at High Density
    Other atoms: Br (26); Na (6);
  23. 4tqo (Ca: 8) - The Crystal Structure of Methanol Dehydrogenase From Methylococcus Capsulatus (Bath)
  24. 4tqr (Ca: 2) - Ternary Complex of Y-Family Dna Polymerase DPO4 with (5'S)-8,5'-Cyclo- 2'-Deoxyguanosine and Dttp
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  25. 4tqu (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Bacterial Abc Transporter Involved in the Import of the Acidic Polysaccharide Alginate
  26. 4tr2 (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of PVSUB1
  27. 4trd (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Staphylcoccal Nuclease Variant Delta+Phs I72K/V74K at pH 9.0 at Cryogenic Temperature
  28. 4tsh (Ca: 2) - A Novel Protein Fold Forms An Intramolecular Lock to Stabilize the Tertiary Structure of Streptococcus Mutans Adhesin P1
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  29. 4ttu (Ca: 1) - N-Terminally Truncated Dextransucrase Dsr-E From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Nrrl B-1299 in Complex with Isomaltotriose
    Other atoms: I (3); Na (1);
  30. 4tuw (Ca: 5) - Drosophila Stem-Loop Binding Protein Complexed with Histone Mrna Stem- Loop, Phospho Mimic of Tpnk and C-Terminal Region
  31. 4tux (Ca: 4) - Drosophila Stem-Loop Binding Protein Complexed with Histone Mrna Stem- Loop
  32. 4tuy (Ca: 2) - Tubulin-Rhizoxin Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (5);
  33. 4tv0 (Ca: 2) - Drosophila Stem-Loop Binding Protein Complexed with Histone Mrna Stem- Loop, Selenomethionine Derivative
  34. 4tv5 (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Citrate Synthase Sbng
  35. 4tv8 (Ca: 4) - Tubulin-Maytansine Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (4); Cl (1);
  36. 4tv9 (Ca: 2) - Tubulin-PM060184 Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (5);
  37. 4tvc (Ca: 1) - N-Terminally Truncated Dextransucrase Dsr-E From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Nrrl B-1299 in Complex with Gluco-Oligosaccharides
    Other atoms: I (3); Na (1);
  38. 4tvd (Ca: 1) - N-Terminally Truncated Dextransucrase Dsr-E From Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Nrrl B-1299 in Complex with D-Glucose
    Other atoms: I (5);
  39. 4tvu (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of Trehalose Synthase From Deinococcus Radiodurans Reveals A Closed Conformation For Catalysis of the Intramolecular Isomerization
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  40. 4twe (Ca: 2) - Structure of Ligand-Free N-Acetylated-Alpha-Linked-Acidic-Dipeptidase Like Protein (Naaladasel)
    Other atoms: Zn (4);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:33:01 2025

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