Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 3pvh-3q4w
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Calcium in PDB, part 139 (files: 5521-5560), PDB 3pvh-3q4w

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 5521-5560 (PDB 3pvh-3q4w).
  1. 3pvh (Ca: 1) - Structural and Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis Thaliana Thylakoid Lumen Protein ATTLP18.3
  2. 3pvn (Ca: 40) - Triclinic Form of Human C-Reactive Protein in Complex with Zinc
    Other atoms: Zn (5);
  3. 3pvo (Ca: 40) - Monoclinic Form of Human C-Reactive Protein
  4. 3pvx (Ca: 3) - Binary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-Fapy) with Dna Polymerase IV
  5. 3pw0 (Ca: 3) - Ternary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-Fapy) with Dna Polymerase IV and Incoming Datp
  6. 3pw2 (Ca: 3) - Ternary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-Fapy) with Dna Polymerase IV and Incoming Dttp
  7. 3pw4 (Ca: 3) - Ternary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-N7-Gua) with Dna Polymerase IV and Incoming Datp
  8. 3pw5 (Ca: 3) - Ternary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-N7-Gua) with Dna Polymerase IV and Incoming Dttp
  9. 3pw7 (Ca: 2) - Ternary Complex of Aflatoxin B1 Adduct Modified Dna (AFB1-N7-Gua) with Dna Polymerase IV and Incoming Dctp
  10. 3pw9 (Ca: 1) - Structural and Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis Thaliana Thylakoid Lumen Protein ATTLP18.3
  11. 3pwb (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Variant X(TRIPLEGLU217ILE227) in Complex with Small Molecule Inhibitor
  12. 3pwc (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Variant X(TRIPLEGLU217ILE227) in Complex with Small Molecule Inhibitor
  13. 3pxs (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Diferrous Maug in Complex with Pre-Methylamine Dehydrogenase:
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Na (4);
  14. 3pxt (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ferrous Co Adduct of Maug in Complex with Pre- Methylamine Dehydrogenase
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Na (3);
  15. 3pxw (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ferrous No Adduct of Maug in Complex with Pre- Methylamine Dehydrogenase
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Na (2);
  16. 3py4 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Bovine Lactoperoxidase in Complex with Paracetamol at 2.4A Resolution
    Other atoms: I (15); Fe (1);
  17. 3pyh (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Variant X(TRIPLEGLU217ILE227) in Complex with Small Molecule Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  18. 3pz0 (Ca: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Aaleurs-CP1
  19. 3pz1 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rabggtase(Delta Lrr; Delta Ig) in Complex with BMS3
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  20. 3pz2 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rabggtase(Delta Lrr; Delta Ig) in Complex with BMS3 and Lipid Substrate Ggpp
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  21. 3pz3 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rabggtase(Delta Lrr; Delta Ig) in Complex with Bms-Analogue 14
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  22. 3q00 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Variant X(TRIPLEGLU217ILE227) in Comlex with Small Molecule Inhibitor
  23. 3q08 (Ca: 20) - Crystal Structure of Chlorite Dismutase From D. Aromatica at pH 6.5
    Other atoms: Fe (20);
  24. 3q09 (Ca: 20) - Crystal Structure of Chlorite Dismutase From D. Aromatica at pH 9.0
    Other atoms: Fe (20);
  25. 3q0k (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Pacsin 2 F-Bar
  26. 3q13 (Ca: 1) - The Structure of the CA2+-Binding, Glycosylated F-Spondin Domain of F- Spondin, A C2-Domain Variant From Extracellular Matrix
  27. 3q2j (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3',5"-Aminoglycoside Phosphotransferase Type Iiia Protein Kinase Inhibitor Cki-7 Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  28. 3q2l (Ca: 8) - Mouse E-Cadherin EC1-2 V81D Mutant
  29. 3q2n (Ca: 8) - Mouse E-Cadherin EC1-2 L175D Mutant
  30. 3q2q (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase From Corynebacterium Glutamicum Complexed with Calcium and Isoprenyl Diphosphate
  31. 3q2v (Ca: 24) - Crystal Structure of Mouse E-Cadherin Ectodomain
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  32. 3q2w (Ca: 12) - Crystal Structure of Mouse N-Cadherin Ectodomain
  33. 3q3g (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of A-Domain in Complex with Antibody
    Other atoms: Cl (5); Na (3);
  34. 3q3k (Ca: 2) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Phenylenediamine Derivative
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  35. 3q3l (Ca: 6) - The Neutron Crystallographic Structure of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase From Thermococcus Thioreducens
  36. 3q3q (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Spap: An Novel Alkaline Phosphatase From Bacterium Sphingomonas Sp. Strain Bsar-1
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  37. 3q3u (Ca: 2) - Trametes Cervina Lignin Peroxidase
    Other atoms: Fe (1); Cl (1); Na (1);
  38. 3q40 (Ca: 2) - Sulphur Sad Structure Solution of Proteinase K Grown in SO4-Less Solution.
  39. 3q4g (Ca: 4) - Structure of Nad Synthetase From Vibrio Cholerae
  40. 3q4w (Ca: 4) - The Structure of Archaeal Inorganic Pyrophosphatase in Complex with Substrate
    Other atoms: Br (1); Na (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:30:48 2025

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