Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 2kug-2m0j
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Calcium in PDB, part 83 (files: 3281-3320), PDB 2kug-2m0j

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 3281-3320 (PDB 2kug-2m0j).
  1. 2kug (Ca: 10) - Halothane Binds to Druggable Sites in Calcium-Calmodulin: Solution Structure of Halothane-Cam N-Terminal Domain
    Other atoms: F (15); Br (5); Cl (5);
  2. 2kuh (Ca: 10) - Halothane Binds to Druggable Sites in Calcium-Calmodulin: Solution Structure of Halothane-Cam C-Terminal Domain
    Other atoms: F (15); Br (5); Cl (5);
  3. 2kxv (Ca: 40) - uc(Nmr) Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of the Tellurite Resistance Protein Terd From Klebsiella Pneumoniae
  4. 2kyf (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Calcium-Bound CPV3
  5. 2kz2 (Ca: 40) - Calmodulin, C-Terminal Domain, F92E Mutant
  6. 2l1r (Ca: 20) - The Structure of the Calcium-Sensitizer, Dfbp-O, in Complex with the N-Domain of Troponin C and the Switch Region of Troponin I
    Other atoms: F (40);
  7. 2l1w (Ca: 100) - The Solution Structure of Soybean Calmodulin Isoform 4 Complexed with the Vacuolar Calcium Atpase BCA1 Peptide
  8. 2l4h (Ca: 22) - The Solution Structure of Calcium Bound CIB1
  9. 2l51 (Ca: 120) - Solution Structure of Calcium Bound S100A16
  10. 2l5y (Ca: 20) - uc(Nmr) Structure of Calcium-Loaded STIM2 Ef-Sam.
  11. 2l7l (Ca: 4) - Solution Structure of CA2+/Calmodulin Complexed with A Peptide Representing the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of Calmodulin Kinase I
  12. 2l98 (Ca: 40) - Structure of Trans-Resveratrol in Complex with the Cardiac Regulatory Protein Troponin C
  13. 2lal (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure Determination and Refinement at 2.3 Angstroms Resolution of the Lentil Lectin
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  14. 2lan (Ca: 15) - uc(Nmr) Structure of CA2+-Bound CABP1 N-Domain with Rdc
  15. 2lap (Ca: 30) - uc(Nmr) Structure of CA2+-Bound CABP1 C-Domain with Rdc
  16. 2lc5 (Ca: 40) - Calmodulin-Like Protein From Entamoeba Histolytica: Solution Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of A Partially Folded Protein
  17. 2lcp (Ca: 60) - uc(Nmr) Structure of Calcium Loaded, Un-Myristoylated Human Ncs-1
  18. 2lgf (Ca: 4) - Solution Structure of CA2+/Calmodulin Complexed with A Peptide Representing the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of L-Selectin
  19. 2lgp (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of LA45 From Ldlr
  20. 2lhh (Ca: 60) - Solution Structure of CA2+-Bound Ycam
  21. 2lhi (Ca: 60) - Solution Structure of CA2+/CNA1 Peptide-Bound Ycam
  22. 2lip (Ca: 1) - Pseudomonas Lipase Open Conformation
  23. 2llo (Ca: 20) - Solution uc(Nmr)-Derived Structure of Calmodulin N-Lobe Bound with Er Alpha Peptide
  24. 2llq (Ca: 20) - Solution uc(Nmr)-Derived Structure of Calmodulin C-Lobe Bound with Er Alpha Peptide
  25. 2lm5 (Ca: 20) - Solution Structure of CA2+-CIB1 in Complex with the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Integrin Aiib Subunit
  26. 2lmt (Ca: 40) - uc(Nmr) Structure of Androcam
  27. 2lmu (Ca: 40) - Androcam at High Calcium
  28. 2lmv (Ca: 60) - Androcam at High Calcium with Three Explicit CA2+
  29. 2lp2 (Ca: 80) - Solution Structure and Dynamics of Human S100A1 Protein Modified at Cysteine 85 with Homocysteine Disulfide Bond Formation in Calcium Saturated Form
  30. 2lp3 (Ca: 80) - Solution Structure of S100A1 CA2+
  31. 2lqc (Ca: 40) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structure of A CA2+-Calmodulin with A Binding Motif (Nscate) Peptide From the N-Terminal Cytoplasmic Domain of the L-Type Voltage-Cated Calcium Channel ALPHA1C Subunit
  32. 2lqp (Ca: 38) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structure of the CA2+-Calmodulin C-Terminal Domain in A Complex with A Peptide (Nscate) From the L-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel ALPHA1C Subunit
  33. 2lro (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure, Dynamics and Binding Studies of CTCBM11
  34. 2lrp (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure, Dynamics and Binding Studies of CTCBM11
  35. 2ltn (Ca: 2) - Design, Expression, and Crystallization of Recombinant Lectin From the Garden Pea (Pisum Sativum)
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  36. 2lux (Ca: 80) - Calcium Saturated Form of Human C85M S100A1 Mutant
  37. 2lv6 (Ca: 4) - The Complex Between Ca-Calmodulin and Skeletal Muscle Myosin Light Chain Kinase From Combination of uc(Nmr) and Aqueous and Contrast-Matched Saxs Data
  38. 2lv7 (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of CA2+-Bound CABP7 N-Terminal Doman
  39. 2lvk (Ca: 40) - Solution Structure of Ca-Bound Phl P 7
  40. 2m0j (Ca: 80) - 3D Structure of Calmodulin and Calmodulin Binding Domain of Olfactory Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel Complex
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:28:41 2025

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