Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 6q79-6qph
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Calcium in PDB, part 283 (files: 11281-11320), PDB 6q79-6qph

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 11281-11320 (PDB 6q79-6qph).
  1. 6q79 (Ca: 8) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB4 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 2.009 Angstrom Resolution
  2. 6q7o (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of OE1
  3. 6q85 (Ca: 8) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB11 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 1.990 Angstrom Resolution
  4. 6q86 (Ca: 4) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB4 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 2.008 Angstrom Resolution
  5. 6q87 (Ca: 2) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB10 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 2.541 Angstrom Resolution
  6. 6q8d (Ca: 2) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB15 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 1.630 Angstrom Resolution
  7. 6q8g (Ca: 8) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB8 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 1.190 Angstrom Resolution
  8. 6q8h (Ca: 2) - Structure of Fucosylated D-Antimicrobial Peptide SB10 in Complex with the Fucose-Binding Lectin Pa-Iil at 1.707 Angstrom Resolution
  9. 6qar (Ca: 4) - Thermolysine Under 2 Kbar of Argon
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Ar (20); Cl (9);
  10. 6qbs (Ca: 1) - The Alkyne Moiety As A Latent Electrophile in Irreversible Covalent Small Molecule Inhibitors of Cathepsin K
    Other atoms: F (6); Cl (2);
  11. 6qbw (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Htlv-2 Integrase Catalytic Core Domain in Complex with Calcium
  12. 6qcl (Ca: 2) - Citryl-Coa Lyase Core Module of Chlorobium Limicola Atp Citrate Lyase in Complex with Acetyl-Coa and L-Malate
  13. 6qdi (Ca: 4) - Anti-Sigma Factor Domain-Containing Protein From Clostridium Clariflavum
  14. 6qdr (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of 14-3-3SIGMA in Complex with A PAK6 PT99 Phosphopeptide
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Cl (1); Na (3);
  15. 6qdt (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of 14-3-3SIGMA in Complex with A RAPGEF2 PT740 Phosphopeptide
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Na (5);
  16. 6qe7 (Ca: 6) - Anti-Sigma Factor Domain-Containing Protein
  17. 6qf1 (Ca: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Proteinase K Crystallized on A Silicon Chip
  18. 6qf2 (Ca: 4) - X-Ray Structure of Thermolysin Crystallized on A Silicon Chip
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Na (1);
  19. 6qf3 (Ca: 4) - X-Ray Structure of Thermolysin Soaked with Sodium Aspartate on A Silicon Chip
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Na (4);
  20. 6qg9 (Ca: 10) - Crystal Structure of Ideonella Sakaiensis Mhetase
    Other atoms: Zn (11);
  21. 6qga (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Ideonella Sakaiensis Mhetase Bound to the Non- Hydrolyzable Ligand Mheta
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  22. 6qgb (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Ideonella Sakaiensis Mhetase Bound to Benzoic Acid
    Other atoms: Cl (8);
  23. 6qhj (Ca: 1) - High-Resolution Crystal Structure of Calcium- and Sodium-Bound Mouse Olfactomedin-1 Beta-Propeller Domain
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  24. 6qi0 (Ca: 1) - Time Resolved Structural Analysis of the Full Turnover of An Enzyme - 9024 Ms
    Other atoms: F (1);
  25. 6qi4 (Ca: 6) - Ncs-1 Bound to A Ligand
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  26. 6qib (Ca: 1) - The Crystal Structure of POL2CORE in Complex with Dna and An Incoming Nucleotide, Carrying An Fe-S Cluster
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  27. 6qig (Ca: 3) - Metalloproteinase
    Other atoms: Cl (5); Zn (1);
  28. 6qih (Ca: 1) - Pancreatic Bovine Trypsin with A Boronic Acid Inhibitor
  29. 6qix (Ca: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Trichuris Muris P43
  30. 6qkn (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Azide-Inhibited Form of Cytochrome C Peroxidase From Obligate Human Pathogenic Bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  31. 6ql0 (Ca: 1) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with A D-Phe-Pro-P-Aminopyridine Derivative
  32. 6qlb (Ca: 20) - Calpain Small Subunit 1, Rna-Binding Protein Hfq
  33. 6qm3 (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Calcium- and Sodium-Bound Mouse Olfactomedin-1 Disulfide-Linked Dimer of the Olfactomedin Domain and Part of Coiled Coil
    Other atoms: As (1); Na (2);
  34. 6qm5 (Ca: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound NHTMEM16 Lipid Scramblase in Ddm
  35. 6qm9 (Ca: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound NHTMEM16 Lipid Scramblase in Nanodisc (Open State)
  36. 6qma (Ca: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound NHTMEM16 Lipid Scramblase in Nanodisc (Intermediate State)
  37. 6qmb (Ca: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound NHTMEM16 Lipid Scramblase in Nanodisc (Closed State)
  38. 6qp6 (Ca: 6) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound MTMEM16F Lipid Scramblase in Digitonin
  39. 6qpc (Ca: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of Calcium-Bound MTMEM16F Lipid Scramblase in Nanodisc
  40. 6qph (Ca: 1) - Dunaliella Minimal Psi Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (143); As (6); Fe (12);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:23:00 2025

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