Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 5n31-5nn9
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Calcium in PDB, part 234 (files: 9321-9360), PDB 5n31-5nn9

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 9321-9360 (PDB 5n31-5nn9).
  1. 5n31 (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with Inhibitor JC277
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  2. 5n34 (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with Inhibitor JC276
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  3. 5n3v (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with Inhibitor JC292
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  4. 5n3y (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with Inhibitor JC267
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  5. 5n4l (Ca: 2) - Rat Ceruloplasmin Trigonal Form
    Other atoms: Cu (11); Na (2);
  6. 5n5j (Ca: 3) - Human MMP12 in Complex with 3-(5-(1,2-Dithiolan-3-Yl)Pentanamido) Propane-1-Sulfonate
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  7. 5n5k (Ca: 3) - Human Catalytic Mmp-12 in Complex with 5-(1,2-Dithiolan-3-Yl)-N-(3- Hydroxypropyl)Pentanamide
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  8. 5n5p (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ruminococcus Flavefaciens' Type III Complex Containing the Fifth Cohesin From Scaffoldin B and the Dockerin From Scaffoldin A
  9. 5n5w (Ca: 1) - 14-3-3 Sigma in Complex with Taz PS89 Peptide and Fragment NV3
    Other atoms: Mg (3); Cl (4);
  10. 5n6n (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of the 14-3-3:Neutral Trehalase NTH1 Complex
    Other atoms: As (5);
  11. 5n7d (Ca: 7) - Magi-1 Complexed with A RSK1 Peptide
  12. 5n7f (Ca: 9) - Magi-1 Complexed with A PRSK1 Peptide
  13. 5n7g (Ca: 9) - Magi-1 Complexed with A Synthetic PRSK1 Peptide
  14. 5n8p (Ca: 114) - S-Layer Protein Rsaa From C. Crescentus
  15. 5n97 (Ca: 114) - Structure of the C. Crescentus S-Layer
  16. 5nbl (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of the ARP4-N-Actin(Apo-State) Heterodimer Bound By A Nanobody
  17. 5nbm (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of the ARP4-N-Actin(Atp-State) Heterodimer Bound By A Nanobody
  18. 5nbn (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of the ARP4-N-Actin-ARP8-INO80HSA Module of INO80
  19. 5nbp (Ca: 2) - Bacteroides Ovatus Mixed Linkage Glucan Pul (Mlgul) GH16 in Complex with G4G4G3G Product
  20. 5ne5 (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Family 47 Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase From Caulobacter K31 Strain in Complex with Kifunensine
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  21. 5nem (Ca: 4) - Localised Reconstruction of Alpha V Beta 6 Bound to Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O Panasia - Pose A.
  22. 5ner (Ca: 4) - Localised Reconstruction of Alpha V Beta 6 Bound to Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O Panasia - Pose A Prime.
  23. 5nes (Ca: 8) - Discovery, Crystal Structures and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Thioether Ligated D,L-Cyclic Antimicrobial Peptides Against Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  24. 5net (Ca: 4) - Localised Reconstruction of Integrin Alpha V Beta 6 Bound to Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O1 Manisa - Pose A.
  25. 5neu (Ca: 2) - Localised Reconstruction of Integrin Alpha V Beta 6 Bound to Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O1 Manisa - Pose B.
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  26. 5ney (Ca: 8) - Discovery, Crystal Structures and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Thioether Ligated D,L-Cyclic Antimicrobial Peptides Against Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  27. 5nf0 (Ca: 8) - Discovery, Crystal Structures and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Thioether Ligated D,L-Cyclic Antimicrobial Peptides Against Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  28. 5nf2 (Ca: 1) - The Fimbrial Shaft Protein MFA1 From Porphyromonas Gingivalis
  29. 5nf3 (Ca: 1) - The Fimbrial Shaft Protein MFA1 From Porphyromonas Gingivalis-C- Terminal Deletion
  30. 5nfz (Ca: 4) - Tubulin-Mtc Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (5);
  31. 5ng1 (Ca: 2) - Tubulin-Mtc-Zampanolide Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (5);
  32. 5ngq (Ca: 8) - Bicyclic Antimicrobial Peptides
  33. 5ngy (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Leuconostoc Citreum Nrrl B-1299 Dextransucrase Dsr-M
    Other atoms: Pr (6);
  34. 5nh5 (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Native Xylose Isomerase From Piromyces E2
    Other atoms: Mg (4); Fe (4);
  35. 5nh8 (Ca: 10) - Crystal Structure of Xylose Isomerase From Piromyces E2 in Complex with Two CA2+ Ions and Xylose
  36. 5nin (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of AKAP79 Calmodulin Binding Domain Peptide in Complex with CA2+/Calmodulin
  37. 5nl7 (Ca: 1) - The Crystal Structure of the Actin Binding Domain (Abd) of Alpha Actinin From Entamoeba Histolytica
  38. 5nm8 (Ca: 1) - Structure of Pipy, the COG0325 Family Member of Synechococcus Elongatus PCC7942, with Plp Bound
  39. 5nmr (Ca: 2) - Monomeric Mouse Sortilin Extracellular Domain
  40. 5nn9 (Ca: 1) - Refined Atomic Structures of N9 Subtype Influenza Virus Neuraminidase and Escape Mutants
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:21:06 2025

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