Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 7brw-7c4h
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Calcium in PDB, part 304 (files: 12121-12160), PDB 7brw-7c4h

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 12121-12160 (PDB 7brw-7c4h).
  1. 7brw (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 5-Chlorotryptamine (Room Temperature)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  2. 7brx (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 5-Methoxytryptamine (Room Temperature)
  3. 7bry (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 6-Methoxytryptamine (Room Temperature)
  4. 7brz (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 2-Methyltryptamine (Room Temperature)
  5. 7bs0 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Aniline (Room Temperature)
  6. 7bs1 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Benzamidine (Room Temperature)
  7. 7bs2 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Serotonin (Room Temperature)
  8. 7bs3 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 4-Bromo-Benzamidine (Cryo)
    Other atoms: Br (1);
  9. 7bs4 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 5-Methoxytryptamine (Cryo)
  10. 7bs5 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 6-Methoxytryptamine (Cryo)
  11. 7bs6 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 2-Methyltryptamine (Cryo)
  12. 7bs7 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Aniline (Cryo)
  13. 7bs8 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Benzamidine (Cryo)
  14. 7bs9 (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with Serotonin (Cryo)
  15. 7bsa (Ca: 1) - Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin with 5-Chlorotryptamine (Cryo)
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  16. 7bse (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of A Nir-Emitting Dna-Stabilized AG16 Nanocluster (T5A Mutant)
    Other atoms: Ag (36);
  17. 7bsf (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Nir-Emitting Dna-Stabilized AG16 Nanocluster (T5C Mutant)
    Other atoms: Ag (18);
  18. 7buk (Ca: 2) - T1 Lipase Mutant - 5M (D43E/T118N/E226D/E250L/N304E)
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  19. 7bvc (Ca: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mycobacterium Smegmatis Arabinosyltransferase Emba-Embb-ACPM2 in Complex with Ethambutol
  20. 7bve (Ca: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mycobacterium Smegmatis Arabinosyltransferase EMBC2-ACPM2 in Complex with Ethambutol
  21. 7bvf (Ca: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Arabinosyltransferase Emba-Embb-ACPM2 in Complex with Ethambutol
  22. 7bvg (Ca: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mycobacterium Smegmatis Arabinosyltransferase Emba-Embb-ACPM2 in Complex with Di-Arabinose.
  23. 7bvh (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Arabinosyltransferase EMBC2-ACPM2 Complex From Mycobacterium Smegmatis Complexed with Di-Arabinose
  24. 7bwr (Ca: 1) - Mycobacterium Smegmatis Arabinosyltransferase Complex EMBB2-ACPM2 in Substrate Dpa Bound Asymmetric "Active State"
  25. 7bwu (Ca: 4) - Restructuring Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase (Hn) of Newcastle Disease Virus Produced From Oryza Sativa
  26. 7byd (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of SN45 Tcr in Complex with Lipopeptide-Bound Mamu- B*05104
    Other atoms: I (19); Na (1);
  27. 7bys (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Exo-Beta-1,3-Galactanase From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium PC1,3GAL43A Apo Form
  28. 7byt (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Exo-Beta-1,3-Galactanase From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium PC1,3GAL43A with Galactose
  29. 7byv (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Exo-Beta-1,3-Galactanase From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium PC1,3GAL43A E208Q with Beta-1,3-Galactotriose
  30. 7byx (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Exo-Beta-1,3-Galactanase From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium PC1,3GAL43A E208A with Beta-1,3-Galactotriose
  31. 7bz0 (Ca: 1) - Complex Structure of Alginate Lyase Alyf-OU02 with G6
  32. 7bzz (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Srcr Domain of Mouse SCARA5
  33. 7c00 (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Srcr Domain of Human SCARA5.
  34. 7c0p (Ca: 1) - Structure of Proteinase K Obtained in Ssrf Using Serial Crystallography
  35. 7c23 (Ca: 7) - Crystal Structure of CRME10, A Sgnh-Hydrolase Family Esterase
  36. 7c29 (Ca: 4) - Esterase CRME10 Mutant-D178A
  37. 7c2g (Ca: 7) - Crystal Structure of the Thorarchaeaota 2DGEL/Rabbit Actin Complex
  38. 7c2h (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Thorarchaeaota 2DGEL3/Rabbit Actin Complex
  39. 7c45 (Ca: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Trypanosoma Brucei Rnase D Complex with Rna U12
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  40. 7c4h (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of BCP1 From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:23:48 2025

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