Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 5jrj-5kaf
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Calcium in PDB, part 226 (files: 9001-9040), PDB 5jrj-5kaf

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 9001-9040 (PDB 5jrj-5kaf).
  1. 5jrj (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Herbaspirillum Seropedicae Reca
  2. 5js3 (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with JC114.
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  3. 5jss (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with JC149.
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  4. 5jt9 (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with JC106.
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  5. 5jth (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of E67A Calmodulin - Cam:RM20 Complex
  6. 5jtj (Ca: 1) - USP7CD-Ctp in Complex with Ubiquitin
  7. 5juh (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of C-Terminal Domain (Rv) of Mpafp
  8. 5jum (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Eta Inserting Dctp Opposite N-(2'-Deoxyguanosin-8- Yl)-3-Aminobenzanthrone (C8-Dg-Aba)
  9. 5jv3 (Ca: 1) - The Neck-Linker and Alpha 7 Helix of Homo Sapiens EG5 Fused to EB1
  10. 5jvd (Ca: 4) - Tubulin-TUB092 Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (5);
  11. 5jvi (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with JC148.
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  12. 5jwz (Ca: 3) - Structure of A Putative Xyloglucanase From the Cellulolytic Bacteria Streptomyces Sp. Sirexaa-E
  13. 5jx2 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mglb-2 (TP0684) From Treponema Pallidum
  14. 5jx7 (Ca: 1) - Cysteine Mutant (C224A) Structure of As (III) S-Adenosyl Methyltransferase
  15. 5jxg (Ca: 3) - Structure of the Unliganded Form of the Proprotein Convertase Furin.
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Na (8);
  16. 5jxh (Ca: 3) - Structure the Proprotein Convertase Furin in Complex with Meta- Guanidinomethyl-Phac-Rvr-Amba at 2.0 Angstrom Resolution.
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Na (4);
  17. 5jxi (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Unliganded Form of the Proprotein Convertase Furin in Presence of Edta.
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Na (7);
  18. 5jxj (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Proprotein Convertase Furin Complexed to Meta- Guanidinomethyl-Phac-Rvr-Amba in Presence of Edta
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Na (6);
  19. 5jxn (Ca: 4) - Thermolysin in Complex with JC240.
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  20. 5jxp (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Porphyromonas Endodontalis DPP11 in Alternate Conformation
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  21. 5jy7 (Ca: 8) - Complex of Mycobacterium Smegmatis Trehalose Synthase with Maltokinase
  22. 5jyi (Ca: 1) - Trypsin Bound with Succinic Acid at 1.9A
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  23. 5jym (Ca: 8) - Human P-Cadherin EC12 with Scfv TSP11 Bound
  24. 5jyy (Ca: 1) - Structure-Based Tetravalent Zanamivir with Potent Inhibitory Activity Against Drug-Resistant Influenza Viruses
  25. 5k0h (Ca: 2) - Human Factor Xa in Complex with Synthetic Inhibitor Benzylsulfonyl- Dser(Benzyl)-Gly-4-Amidinobenzylamide
  26. 5k21 (Ca: 3) - Pyocyanin Demethylase
  27. 5k31 (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Human Fibrillar Procollagen Type I C-Propeptide Homo-Trimer
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  28. 5k39 (Ca: 2) - The Type II Cohesin Dockerin Complex From Clostridium Thermocellum
  29. 5k5s (Ca: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Active Form of Human Calcium-Sensing Receptor Extracellular Domain
  30. 5k5t (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Inactive Form of Human Calcium-Sensing Receptor Extracellular Domain
  31. 5k7r (Ca: 2) - Microed Structure of Trypsin at 1.7 A Resolution
  32. 5k7s (Ca: 2) - Microed Structure of Proteinase K at 1.6 A Resolution
  33. 5k7t (Ca: 4) - Microed Structure of Thermolysin at 2.5 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  34. 5k89 (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Human Calcium-Bound S100A1
  35. 5k8d (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of Rfviiifc
    Other atoms: Cu (2);
  36. 5k8g (Ca: 16) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Peptide-Binding Domain of Mpafp
  37. 5k8q (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Calcium-Loaded Calmodulin in Complex with STRA6 CAMBP2-Site Peptide.
  38. 5k8r (Ca: 9) - Structure of Human Clustered Protocadherin Gamma B3 EC1-4
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Na (1);
  39. 5k8y (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Mus Musclus Langerin Carbohydrate Recognition Domain
  40. 5kaf (Ca: 2) - Rt Xfel Structure of Photosystem II in the Dark State at 3.0 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Mg (70); Mn (8); Fe (6); Cl (4);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:34:07 2025

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