Calcium in PDB, part 65 (files: 2561-2600),
PDB 2b04-2bib
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 2561-2600 (PDB 2b04-2bib).
2b04 (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of Porcine Pancreatic Phospholipase A2 in Complex with Glycochenodeoxycholate
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2b0d (Ca: 2) - Ecorv Restriction Endonuclease/Gaattc/CA2+
2b0e (Ca: 2) - Ecorv Restriction Endonuclease/Gaautc/CA2+
2b1o (Ca: 30) - Solution Structure of CA2+-Bound Ddcad-1
2b2b (Ca: 2) - Structural Distortions in Psoralen Cross-Linked Dna
Other atoms:
Na (3);
2b30 (Ca: 4) - Initial Crystallographic Structural Analysis of A Putative Had/Cof-Like Hydrolase From Plasmodium Vivax
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
2b33 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Endoribonuclease (TM0215) From Thermotoga Maritima MSB8 at 2.30 A Resolution
2b50 (Ca: 2) - Human Nuclear Receptor-Ligand Complex 2
2b59 (Ca: 2) - The Type II Cohesin Dockerin Complex
2b6n (Ca: 1) - The 1.8 A Crystal Structure of A Proteinase K Like Enzyme From A Psychrotroph Serratia Species
2b7y (Ca: 2) - Fava Bean Lectin-Glucose Complex
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
2b8o (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethyl Ketone-Factor Viia/Soluble Tissue Factor Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Zn (2);
Cl (3);
Na (1);
2b96 (Ca: 3) - Third Calcium Ion Found in An Inhibitor Bound Phospholipase A2
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2b9l (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Prophenoloxidase Activating Factor-II From the Beetle Holotrichia Diomphalia
2bam (Ca: 2) - Restriction Endonuclease Bamhi Complex with Dna and Calcium Ions (Pre-Reactive Complex).
2bat (Ca: 1) - The Structure of the Complex Between Influenza Virus Neuraminidase and Sialic Acid, the Viral Receptor
2bax (Ca: 1) - Atomic Resolution Structure of the Double Mutant (K53,56M) of Bovine Pancreatic Phospholipase A2
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2bb4 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Asp-Phe at pH 5.0
2bbm (Ca: 4) - Solution Structure of A Calmodulin-Target Peptide Complex By Multidimensional uc(Nmr)
2bbn (Ca: 84) - Solution Structure of A Calmodulin-Target Peptide Complex By Multidimensional uc(Nmr)
2bbv (Ca: 5) - The Refined Three-Dimensional Structure of An Insect Virus at 2.8 Angstroms Resolution
2bch (Ca: 1) - A Possible of Second Calcium Ion in Interfacial Binding: Atomic and Medium Resolution Crystal Structures of the Quadruple Mutant of Phospholipase A2
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2bcx (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Calmodulin in Complex with A Ryanodine Receptor Peptide
2bd1 (Ca: 4) - A Possible Role of the Second Calcium Ion in Interfacial Binding: Atomic and Medium Resolution Crystal Structures of the Quadruple Mutant of Phospholipase A2
2bd2 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0
2bd3 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Lys-Ala-NH2 at pH 5.0
2bd4 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Lys-Ser at pH 5.0
2bd5 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Lys-Ser at pH 5 and Immersed in pH 9 Buffer For 30 Seconds
2bd7 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 Min Soak)
2bd8 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 Min Soak) and Immersed in pH 9 Buffer For 30 Seconds
2bd9 (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Beta-Casomorphin- 7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 Min Soak) and Immersed in pH 9 Buffer For 28 Seconds (2ND pH Jump)
2bda (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with N-Acetyl-Npi and Ala-Ala at pH 5.0
2bdb (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Asn-Pro-Ile and Ala-Ala at pH 5.0
2bdc (Ca: 1) - Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Asn-Pro-Ile at pH 5.0
2be6 (Ca: 12) - 2.0 A Crystal Structure of the CAV1.2 Iq Domain-Ca/Cam Complex
Other atoms:
Ni (3);
2bf0 (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Rpr of PCF11
2bf6 (Ca: 2) - Atomic Resolution Structure of the Bacterial Sialidase Nani From Clostridium Perfringens in Complex with Alpha-Sialic Acid (NEU5AC).
2bfn (Ca: 3) - The Crystal Structure of the Complex of the Haloalkane Dehalogenase Linb with the Product of Dehalogenation Reaction 1,2-Dichloropropane.
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
2bh1 (Ca: 1) - X-Ray Structure of the General Secretion Pathway Complex of the N-Terminal Domain of Epse and the Cytosolic Domain of Epsl of Vibrio Cholerae
2bib (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Complete Modular Teichioic Acid Phosphorylcholine Esterase Pce (Cbpe) From Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:14:37 2025