Atomistry » Calcium » PDB 7po7-7qfi
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Calcium in PDB, part 328 (files: 13081-13120), PDB 7po7-7qfi

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Calcium (Ca) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Calcium atoms. PDB files: 13081-13120 (PDB 7po7-7qfi).
  1. 7po7 (Ca: 1) - Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase From Mus Musculus
  2. 7pod (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Catalytic Domain of Lytb (E585Q) From Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Complex with Nag-Nam-Nag-Nam Tetrasaccharide
  3. 7pov (Ca: 6) - MUC2 Tubules of D1D2D3 Domains
  4. 7pow (Ca: 2) - Crystal Structure of Phosphatidyl Serine Synthase (Pss) in Transition State.
    Other atoms: Cl (6); Mg (2);
  5. 7pp6 (Ca: 12) - MUC2 Tubules of D1D2D3 Domains
  6. 7ppo (Ca: 1) - Structure of Sidj/Cam Bound to Sdea in Pre-Glutamylation State
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  7. 7pqe (Ca: 1) - Structure of Sidj/Cam Bound to Sdea in Post-Catalysis State
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  8. 7pqm (Ca: 1) - Acinetobacter Baumannii Dna Gyrase B 23KDA Atpase Subdomain Complexed with EBL2888
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  9. 7pqv (Ca: 2) - MEK1 in Complex with Compound 7
    Other atoms: Mg (1); F (1); Cl (1);
  10. 7prr (Ca: 1) - Structure of the Ligand Binding Domain of the Pctd (PA4633) Chemoreceptor of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAO1 in Complex with Acetylcholine
  11. 7psp (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of S100A4 Labeled with NU000846B.
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  12. 7psq (Ca: 9) - Crystal Structure of S100A4 Labeled with NU074381B.
  13. 7psy (Ca: 8) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Perdeuterated Lecb Lectin in Complex with Perdeuterated Fucose
  14. 7psz (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Cam in Complex with Cdz (Form 1)
    Other atoms: Cl (6);
  15. 7pth (Ca: 4) - C54S Mutant of Choline-Sulfatase From E. Meliloti CECT4857 Bound to Choline
  16. 7ptj (Ca: 4) - C54S Mutant of Choline-Sulfatase From E. Meliloti CECT4857 Bound to Hepes
  17. 7ptr (Ca: 18) - Structure of Hexameric S-Layer Protein From Haloferax Volcanii Archaea
  18. 7pu9 (Ca: 4) - Crystal Structure of Cam in Complex with Cdz (Form 2)
    Other atoms: Cl (12);
  19. 7pug (Ca: 3) - GH115 Alpha-1,2-Glucuronidase in Complex with Xylopentaose
    Other atoms: Cl (13);
  20. 7pul (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of Endoglycosidase E GH20 Domain From Enterococcus Faecalis
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  21. 7pvn (Ca: 3) - Crystal Structure of Human UBA6 in Complex with Atp
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cl (1); As (16);
  22. 7pxe (Ca: 8) - CA2+ Bound Drosophila Slo Channel
    Other atoms: Mg (4); K (4);
  23. 7pxg (Ca: 8) - Verruculogen-Bound Drosophila Slo Channel
    Other atoms: Mg (4); K (4);
  24. 7pxh (Ca: 8) - Emodepside-Bound Drosophila Slo Channel
    Other atoms: Mg (4); K (6);
  25. 7pxq (Ca: 3) - GH115 Alpha-1,2-Glucuronidase D303A
  26. 7q0w (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Co-Crystallized with V(IV)OSO4 and Phen
    Other atoms: V (1);
  27. 7q0x (Ca: 1) - Bovine Trypsin Co-Crystallized with V(IV)OSO4 and Pic
    Other atoms: V (1);
  28. 7q21 (Ca: 2) - III2-IV2 Respiratory Supercomplex From Corynebacterium Glutamicum
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cu (6); Fe (16);
  29. 7q2a (Ca: 6) - Crystal Structure of Aphc in Complex with 4-Ethylcatechol
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  30. 7q3g (Ca: 5) - Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channel, Declic at pH 7 with 10 Mm CA2+
  31. 7q87 (Ca: 6) - Carboxypeptidase T with (S)-3-Phenyllactic Acid
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  32. 7qba (Ca: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the Abc Transporter Nosdfy Complexed with Nitrous Oxide Reductase Nosz
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  33. 7qbd (Ca: 6) - Tc:CD320 in Complex with Nanobody Tc-NB26
    Other atoms: Co (2);
  34. 7qbe (Ca: 4) - Tc:CD320 in Complex with Nanobody Tc-NB11
    Other atoms: Co (2);
  35. 7qbf (Ca: 2) - Tc:CD320 in Complex with Nanobody Tc-NB34
    Other atoms: I (16); Co (2);
  36. 7qbg (Ca: 6) - Tc:CD320 in Complex with Nanobody Tc-NB4
    Other atoms: Co (2);
  37. 7qcl (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Mucin-2 Cterminal Domains
  38. 7qcn (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Mucin-2 Cterminal Domains: Vwcn to Til Domains with A C2 Symmetry
  39. 7qcu (Ca: 2) - Structure of the Mucin-2 Cterminal Domains Partially Deglycosylated.
  40. 7qfi (Ca: 1) - Crystal Structure of S-Layer Protein Slpx From Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Domain I (Aa 31-182)
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:24:43 2025

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